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Wee Learn
by Jennifer Kelling
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Wee Learn is an early learning group educational program for children 2.5 to 5 years old that teaches Reading, Math and Social Readiness.  These three separate Readiness classes are provided to enrich the social and academics minds of young students through developmentally appropriate games, songs, books, and movement activities.  Ms. Jennifer will do continuous assessments on your child reviewing their background knowledge and building upon it.  She believes that children at this developmental level should be actively engaged through many movement activities, imagination exploration, and individual interests.  

The Wee Learn classes are taught at The Program Tutoring, 3407 McFarlin Blvd.


Wee Read

Reading Readiness: Your child will explore the wonderful world of language development as they grow knowledge of letters, letter sounds, writing letters, letter identification, age-appropriate sight word identification, compare and contrast upper and lower case letters, colors, and so much more. Work with letters, sounds, identification, feelings, senses, body, writing, colors, rhyming, vowels, sight words and much more. 


Wee Read is offered on Tuesdays at 2:45pm- 3:45pm on 5/7/19, 5/14/19 & 5/21/19. 

$225 for the 3-week course

Click HERE to Book Wee Read



Wee Math

Math Readiness: Your child will learn that math is actually fun when they become part of the equation.  Ms. Jennifer believes that children gain quick math skills through movement, songs, and when the child is active.  They will learn to count and identify numbers up to 20, add and subtract numbers 1-5, 1-1 counting, understand shapes, patterns, sorting, sizes, colors, money, and lots more.   Work with number identification (1-20), counting, 1 - 1 counting/recognition, patterns, simple addition (1-5) subtraction, shapes, writing & sorting colors & size, money and much more.


Wee Math is offered on Thursdays at 3pm-3:45pm on 5/9/19, 5/16/19 & 5/23/19.

$165 for the 3-week course

Click HERE to Book Wee Math



Wee Play

Social Skills: Through social play, your child will be guided in positively getting their needs met and meeting the need of others.  They will learn proper classroom behavior, friendship skills, practice working together in small groups, and the joys of sharing.  They will learn to understand their body, identify body parts, understand feelings, manners, respect, taking turns.  They will be educated on cleanliness, germs, and how to reduce the spread of germs through washing hands, covering sneezes and coughs, and so much more.


Wee Play is offered on Wednesdays at 2:45pm - 3:45pm on 5/8/19, 5/15/19 & 5/22/19

Also, Fridays at 3pm-4pm on and Fridays at 3pm-3:45pm on 5/10/19, 5/17/19 & 5/24/19.

$225 for the 3-week course/day

Click HERE to Book Wee Play



About Ms Jennifer

Wee Learn is taught by Jennifer Kelling who started her teaching career in 1998 teaching two year olds at a prestigious private preschool in Richardson.  Since, she has enjoyed teaching PreK, Kindergarten, First and Third Grades.  She received her Bachelor of Education, Bachelor of Psychology and Master’s in Counseling Degree from Texas A&M University-Commerce.

Jennifer currently educates parents and caregivers of children 0 – 5 years on their child's social, emotional, cognitive, motor, and behavior development of their children through facilitating parent/child play, music, and art classes.  She plans to continue working with children and families through Play Therapy, Individual, Group, and Familial Therapy as a Licensed Professional Counselor.

Don't forget to Book Final Exam Reviews

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